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    dog in office

    Working together to give sentient animals ...


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    LAW reform pencil



    "For every thousand hacking at the leaves, there's one working on the roots"



This is the bit where we say "if you want to elevate standards of animal welfare, then we're going to ask for your help so that together we can make that happen".

We'd love the opportunity to tell you about how to put the law alongside animal welfare initiatives and what this reform means for NGOs, industry, international obligations and what it looks like in practice for animals and animal caregivers. With that in mind, wherever we can ...

... we'll be more than happy to present virtually at your conference, summit, webinar or other events.

Additionally, please look at the rest of this page:

  • See if there are pieces there that you might be able to help with.
  • And if you have suggestions or ideas, then please use the contact form on the "Get in touch" page to share those with us.
  • Additionally, check back regularly and keep an eye on the SAL Foundation's Facebook page because as we grow we'll be looking for those who are interested in the various positions that are coming up with SAL.
We're currently available to present virtually at your event for FREE.

Imagine looking at an animal enjoying itself and saying "I helped change the law so that ALL animals could live like that"


  • "Elevating standards of animal welfare" changes the life experience of animals and people on our shared planet
  • "Elevating standards of animal welfare" is a key element of resolving global issues that involve animals e.g. sustainability, climate change, antimicrobial resistance, biodiversity loss
  • And a change in the law is necessary because there's limited time and we need a change in behaviour from everyone, now (not just a few people, at some stage).

This 3-word law reform is distinctive for many reasons but particulalry because it can speedily be implemented today and make a difference tomorrow.

Law reform of this size needs the help of a lot of good people, skills and resources. Missing the opportunities for change now translates to decades more of the limitations, frustrations and consequences of just working with anti-cruelty law. But you can help change that.

Get in touch with us and we'll be delighted to show you how replicating this reform works for your organisation and quickly, easily and efficiently "elevates standards of animal welfare" not just on paper, but also in practice.

Businesses and philanthropists

There are some big pieces of progress in the SAL vision which require some big financial help.

  • One of the biggest at this startup stage, is the scheduled online conference. Perhaps we could talk collaboration and company profile on that?
  • There are also major expansions to be done on the website including, for example, building the proficiency of the database, expanding the resources, and doing a live global comparison of countries focusing on where they are in terms of law that goes beyond cruelty.

You know the "why". The website sets out the practicality of the vision as a gamechanger.

When you are thinking of what to support this year, please do consider SAL as a way of making a deep ground roots based change.

The concept of shifting national and international animal law beyond cruelty hasn't happened in 200 years - we'd love to talk with you if you'd like to see your hand in that shift and that legacy.

As a Foundation,...

Positive animal welfare law would mean every animal must be given access to comfort, interest, and pleasure. That's a way of really making a difference to their daily life experience.

"If all organisations spoke with one voice for this law reform, you'd elevate animal welfare standards in just years instead of decades"

The Sentient Animal Law Foundation