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    The 3-word law reform that gives a life enjoyed, not just endured 




    Imagine living in a world where being kind is the norm

    Here's the law reform that makes that happen...



What's the cost of working with outdated animal law?

The 'human-animal-environmental" relationship underpins lives, livelihoods and contemporary issues ranging from bullying to climate change.

Outdated animal law has contributed to the challenges we all face. However, with just a 3-word law reform you can have updated law, a nationwide-sized change in behaviours, and law that's fit for our modern world.

Animal welfare law that governs the human-animal relationship, is a cornerstone consideration that's relevant to the success or failure of countless animal-related programs, governance and goals.

"It's the law" refers to a standard that, in theory, is crucial because it affects people’s well-being, reflects public attitudes about what’s acceptable, and either condones or penalizes behaviors.

The laws that establish standards for animal treatment have significant impacts on both animals and people.

Animal law is relevant to national concerns like animal welfare, biosecurity, and food safety. How we treat animals is also connected to more private, but still serious, issues such as bullying and domestic violence. Internationally, the governance of human-animal relationships is central to addressing global challenges, including climate change, biodiversity loss, antimicrobial resistance, and sustainability.

Keeping animal law up to date then is much more than just a sentimental notion about being nice to animals because animal law creates a benchmark that directly impacts their life experience and ours.

There's an inseparable relationship between people, animals, and our shared environment
Law is unique as a change management tool
Positive animal law reform engages a well-established process to ensure that the laws governing the human-animal relationship are fit for people and animals today and for generations to come.

There are currently multiple organisations seeking to elevate standards of animal welfare with positive animal welfare. The 'could-and-should' all consistently come back to one pragmatic question: "HOW" do you turn the aspirations and ideas into applied operational realities?

Education and incentives are, of course, enormously helpful. But law is unique as a change management tool because it mandates the behaviours of ALL people in charge of animals on a nationwide basis, and therefore directly affects the well-being of ALL animals and, properly drafted, implemented and resourced, can implement change in the necessary time frames. Law's unique effectiveness to implement change is a consequence of its power to remove people's money, property and freedoms for non-compliance.

This website shows you the 3-word law reform that evolves the duty of care so it applies responsibility not just for the animals pain and suffering, but also for their comfort, interest, and pleasure.

The 3-word law reform is consistent with the existing legal paradigm, reflects the modern-day science of the Five Domains, and elevates standards of animal welfare in a timely way that delivers on the common objectives of government, NGO's, industry and the consumer. And because it engages the familiar, usual and well-established process of law reform, it delivers practical benefits to the daily lives of sentient animals and people quicker than other law reform proposals.

The SAL Foundation can show you the 'what', 'why' and, importantly, the 'how' to realise positive animal welfare intentions, visions, and objectives with law.

The Sentient Animal Law Foundation is led by experts in animal law, public law and law reform. Drawing on our experience we can show you the 'what', 'why' and importantly the 'how' to put positive animal welfare initiatives, visions, and objectives into law.

Positive animal welfare law is NOT just a paper theory. It has already been implemented in Australia and the Sentient Animal Law Foundation is looking to align, help and synergise with those who want to REPLICATE that success worldwide.

If you're among those who recognise that animal law's anti-cruelty (only) status quo needs to change, then you'll want to have a look at SAL which has been described as "the most refreshingly straight-forward law reform to advance animal welfare".

A 3-word law reform

Imagine if ALL ORGANISATIONS wanting to meaningfully elevate standards of animal welfare, SPOKE WITH ONE VOICE for the law reform that results in law that does more than just protect animals from cruelty.

That broad universal change assisting all organisations would remove current barriers that each organisation routinely encounters in achieving their individual organisational objectives.

  • The SAL Foundation works alongside NGOs to show how this 3-word law reform is relevant to their organisation's objectives.
  • The SAL Foundation collaborates with government and corporates because their decisions about animal welfare impact each jurisdiction's industry, public and animals; and international objectives.
  • The Sentient Animal Law Foundation works with organisations across the globe demonstrating the effective, practical application of this 3-word law reform.
Law's duty of care shapes people's responsibilities, attitudes and behaviours

A modern world facing modern challenges needs laws that are fit for modern world purposes

Positive animal welfare law is one ground-roots change that evolves multiple policies, practices and behaviours that affect the daily life experience of animals and people

There's an old saying that says: "For every thousand hacking at the leaves, there is one working on the roots".

This is a singularly focused ground-roots change that will see a review upward of all current standards which shape an animal's life experience. In a nutshell, today's standards of best practice will become tomorrow's norm.

Law reform is a well-established process. Nonetheless, the task of implementing a law reform that shifts the duty of care beyond baseline anti-cruelty standards is one that predictably needs correlated efforts, skills, and aligned teamwork.

So we're looking to align with the champions, the visionaries, the people and organisations who recognise that updated and future-proofed law is more than just a nice thing to do, it's a vital thing to do because it affects consumer trust, the reputation, practices, and opportunities for industry, and the work of all those who share a vision of animals having a life that's enjoyed, not just endured.

Ian A. Robertson

Co-Founder, Barrister (Animal Law Specialist) and Veterinarian

Daniel Goldsworthy

Co-Founder, Lawyer, Legal Academic and Public Law Specialist

As a Foundation,...

...our focus is on law reform that gives a life enjoyed, not just endured, to animals and, as a consequence, to people.

To achieve this, we focus on a ground-roots legal reform that sees positive animal welfare become "the law" in each country through a process of education, lobbying and collaboration with organisations whose values and objectives are aligned.

There are many ways to make a difference in the world, lots of wonderful animal charities and animal-related causes. This one helps ALL of them by updating the law so that it reflects today's standards of good practice, the latest scientific knowledge and the expectations of those who know that modern world challenges, expectations and goals require laws that do more than simply protect animals from cruelty.

Positive animal welfare law would mean every sentient animal must be given access to comfort, interest, and pleasure. That's a pragmatic and attainable way of making a difference to their daily life experience which is better for them, better for you, and gives the best chance of success to global initiatives that involve animals.

So, let's talk about how together we can ...

... update the law's duty of care to give all law's sentient animals a life enjoyed, not just endured

The Sentient Animal Law Foundation